5 Benefits of Straight Teeth

Did you know millions of Americans seek out braces every year to achieve a straight smile? Properly aligned teeth look great, and the great news is their benefits go far past aesthetics. In fact, they have a larger impact on your overall health than you may think, including smooth digestion, sleep quality, self-esteem, and so much more! Alba Orthodontics wants to share with you 5 benefits of straight teeth and the orthodontic treatments you can undergo to achieve them for yourself.


#1) Improved Oral Hygiene

Easier to clean

Teeth in the correct position and angle allow for easy cleaning and reduce hard-to-reach spots with your toothbrush, allowing for protection against plaque buildup, bacteria growth, and cavities developing. Small pieces of food from your last meal are not able to hide in hidden corners and, instead, can be flossed out with ease. Drs. Fred and Jeff Alba can inform you about the best oral hygiene practices to protect your teeth daily.

Promotes gum health

Healthier, stronger teeth, in turn, leads to healthier gums. When teeth are too crowded or spaced too far apart from each other, gums can suffer from inflammation (also known as gingivitis), bleeding, and potential trauma. In order to keep the tissue in good shape, working towards perfect tooth spacing can prevent injury and gum disease down the line.


#2) Boost Your Confidence!

The ability to make new friends, increasing your chances of getting that new job, and also leaving a lasting impression on the people around you. What do all these things have in common? The power of a great smile, of course! Affecting every aspect of your life, being confident in your smile can drastically improve your personal well-being and desire to put yourself out there in the world.

Some people with imperfect teeth may be embarrassed to show them in front of others when having a laugh or enjoying their day. In fact, 1 in 4 adults actually avoid expressing their smile completely. This harms your confidence in everyday situations and can have a dramatic effect on your long-term happiness. Our team at Alba Orthodontics is passionate about helping patients boost their self-esteem so they can live the life they deserve! You hold the power to maintain a positive outlook on life, but we can help you take the first steps in the right direction.


#3) Reduced Risk of TMJ/TMD

When your teeth are properly aligned, your jaw joint (commonly known as TMJ) is able to function correctly and avoid unnecessary stress placed on it during normal chewing motions. Otherwise, it poses the risk of misalignment from your teeth, causing jaw pain, teeth grinding, and even discomfort from talking. This is a treatable disorder (commonly known as TMD) that benefits from straight teeth. You can save your permanent teeth from needing restoration or replacement by ensuring they are in the perfect position.


5 Benefits of Straight Teeth

#4) More Effective Digestion

Effective chewing 

When your teeth are straightened and all pointing down in the correct position, you are able to more effectively chew food into the smaller pieces necessary to digest quickly. On the other hand, if your food is swallowed in large pieces, then the stomach and intestine are forced to work harder in order to break it down. This can cause a myriad of issues, such as stomach cramps and aches, heartburn, lower nutritional intake, and an unhealthy gut. 

The less strain on your digestive system, the better, and having straight teeth is just another way to help your body function properly.

Encourages eating a wider range of foods

Because chewing becomes an easier experience, straighter teeth encourage you to try all kinds of new foods you may have previously avoided. They are able to deal with the pressure of chewing. Crunchy foods even encourage jaw strength and reduce the risk of bite issues.


#5) Enhanced Sleep Quality

People with misaligned teeth struggle to comfortably close their mouths, thus forcing regular mouth breathing as opposed to the nose, which is considered the healthier alternative. This creates an environment that allows bacteria to grow and bad breath to fester as your mouth begins to dry out. Nose breathing allows your body to filter out dust and allergens from the air that you intake. Embracing straightened teeth and the practice of breathing through your nose can help you more comfortably sleep through the night and avoid waking up with a sore throat or fatigue.


Ways To Improve Teeth Alignment Through Treatment

With Alba Orthodontics, you have multiple options to successfully straighten your smile. You can choose to go the traditional route with fixed metal braces. More advanced than ever, this effective treatment has a long history of success and can correct a plethora of oral issues.

Clear aligners are a great aesthetic choice and allow you to straighten your smile without anyone noticing. They give you stunning results and are a removable appliance, meaning you can continue to eat as normal without restrictions!

Made of ceramic, Damon clear braces are a middle ground by offering the worry-free fixed appliance route of metal braces and the aesthetics of clear aligners. This comfortable treatment allows for incredible results in potentially less time than other options. 

Each option has its own set of perks and can effectively help you reach your smile goals. Though seeing results takes time, Drs. Fred and Jeff Alba guarantee a straight smile that lasts you a lifetime! 


5 Benefits of Straight Teeth

Take The First Step Toward A Straighter Smile Today!

Alba Orthodontics’ top goal is ensuring our patients are happy with their smile and confident in showing it off to the rest of the world! Talk to Drs. Fred and Jeff Alba about your smile goals, and they will do whatever they can to help you make them a reality. Remember, it is never too late to make a difference in your smile. 

Give our Mechanicsburg practice a call at 717-790-5433 today to schedule an appointment and begin your journey to a straighter, healthier smile!